COVID-19 - How To Be Safe

COVID-19's Effect On Big Events

The pandemic of COVID-19 has completely change all of our lives. It's not easy to live in a world with a dangerous virus that prevents us from doing the things that we love with the people we care for. We understand!

We must all do our part to contribute the slowdown of this virus and to keep each other safe. However, we know that you still want to be able to celebrate big accomplishments in life and to share those moments with your friends and family. We would still like to help you share those moments with your friends! However, we must all take a few steps to ensure the safety of you and your guests, my crew, and all others that are physically present during your event. Here are a few reccomendations to follow:

Reducing the Spread

One thing to understand is that there is no way to absolutely prevent the spread of the virus in case of an infection from a member of an event. There are ways to reduce the risk of spread. These are some recommendations:
  • Correctly and consistently wear a mask that completely covers your nose and mouth
  • Stay at least 6 feet away from others who do not live with you
  • Limit attendance or seating capacity to allow for social distancing, or host smaller events in larger rooms. Avoid poorly ventilated indoor spaces.
  • Stay home when you are sick
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (or use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol)
  • Get vaccinated when the vaccine is available to you
  • Get tested if you have signs or symptoms of COVID-19, or if you think you may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19

Our Stance

We'd still love to work with you to capture your special moments. We also understand the severity of today's circumstances, and thus, we require the following guidelines to be met in order for us to work with you. We take lives seriously, both yours and ours, and we want to work in the safest environment for us and for you and your guests.
  • All events must meet local and current maximum capacity regulations. There should be enough room for all guests to maintain a proper physical distance.
  • All guests must wear masks at all times. This is especially true in common areas (e.g. lobbies, restrooms).
  • A COVID-19 Release and Waiver of Liability must be signed confirming that all regulations will be followed for your own safety and for ours.
  • No guests that have any flu-like symptoms will be allowed to attend the event.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or would like to start a conversation!
As Seen on The Knot